YouTube testfilms-serie-2

Nachtfee things done 11

Page established 25 October 2012

Status: 25 October 2012

In progress

Phase measurements

Please view the films carefully, as to get a feeling what it is about using the X-Y techniques for finding fs in conjunction with 0° phase difference

Testfilm 16 You are looking to a new series of testfilms, showing X-Y measurements on quartz Q8 of our Nachtfee apparatus. The X and Y channels are both fed with the same signal originating from the synthesiser PM5193. Please ignore (skip) the last part of this film, as our video camera cannot focus automatically when the target is too near to the lens. I apparently wasn't aware of this apparatus downside. Finding or matching the temporarely series resonance fs is done in 0.001 Δ steps downwards; because the Nachtfee thermostatic-oven is still warming up. Even when the oven is switching off and on (say, after about 1 hour), fs is still drifting for quite a while downwards.

Testfilm 17 New scope set-up. You can both see the painted X-Y Lissajous figure on our Tektronix scope as well as the Philips PM1593 synthesiser generator. Synthesiser set at: 15.182280 kHz     Again stepping down in Δ 0.001 Hz, or 0.36°, interfals.

Testfilm 18 Again, showing aspects of determing fs and what appears just above and below serial resonance of the quartz crystal Q8 of our Nachtfee apparatus. About: 15.181692 kHz

Testfilm 19    Measuring at: 15.181369 kHz (time 14.09 CET) again around fs of Q8 of our Nachtfee console

Testfilm 20 Like above, fs now 15.181110 kHz

Testfilm 21 Again measuring fs by means of a Lissajous in a X-Y configuration. The conducting device in the Pi-network is quartz Q8 of our Nachtfee apparatus. Fs = 15.186053 kHz We have more or less reached a quasi quartz frequency equilibrium.

Testfilm 22 At 15.181042 kHz (fs) we have reached about an equilibrium

Testfilm 23  Watching the dB meter of the R&S selective µV meter, which is providing far less accurately; more importantly, reproducable results! The only downside of using our X-Y setup, is the fact that we have to increase the Pi-network signal level. With the danger of overloading the quartz device.

Testfilm 24 Watching the way how we interconnect the internal Nachtfee quartz onto the fleeing Pi-network. As it is only used for this experiment it does not make sense to me to build the Pi-network on a printed circuit.


Please notice also the new YouTube test series 3

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