Lord 'Haw-Haw'-4


To the foregoing




Page initiated on 2 August 2022

Current status: 9 August 2022


AOB: Please notice that also this website, as do all our web pages, being meant for studying purposes only, and therefore do not multiply its contents as some might still do obey to Crown Copyright.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2  (11 August 2022)



KV 2/250-1, page 1

                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright


KV 2/250

Parts 1 & 2

Department of Collection Care


11/3/2008 (AOB: likely issued about the episode that the Joyce files had been prepared for its publication) Rather unexpected we are being confronted with William Joyce's personal diary, not yet dealt with in the foregoing papers.  I suppose in some way discovered, most likely, captured after William Joyce aimed to handed himself over to the British, a bit north of Flensburg toward the end of May 1946 (maybe at Apen?).

To my knowledge nowhere dealt with before a source have really dealt with William Joyce, hand-written diaries!

What always does make sense: is, that, here-and-there the British ill understood the lingual circumstances and/or their whereabouts.

Their apparent down-sides often are that they (M.I.5 and M.I.6) being in-capable to read and/or understand the essentials of the German language themselves! How is this possible concerning for more than a decade of their major enemy?

How is it with their current Russian counterparts - nowadays (August 2022)? Though, I quite fear myself, even today! 



                                                                            Crown Copyright


Next, another problem arises, unexpectedly we are being confronted with William Joyce's personal hand-written diaries; nowhere noticed before.

Or might it have been: that Margaret, William Joyce's wife was in the possession of William's hand-written diary and regarded it as it were her's.


In some respect it might even again correct British ill-understood circumstances!


Does it make sense to copy these hand-written diaries integrally?

Do, you?

I suppose it does make sense only partially, and then even here-and-then.

The rest of the readers should digest it themselves, personally.


A technical complication arises that the archivists maintained the way William Joyce composed his brief diaries:


KV 2/250-1, page 33

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He used a block-note, and wrote it at the front as well as at its rear side. But, maintained it this way when they filmed/photographed it; this consequently causing that each time two pages have to be filmed.

Normally each photo contained single pages, but now we have to cope with two pages at once. But each page has to to be rotate contrary, thus one clockwise and the opposite one anti-clockwise.

As to keep matter simple I gave it each time a running number; consequently the exact page number being lost here. I could have adopted say: 50L + 50R; but haven't done it this time; as my mistake became clear towards the end of my editing.

It is not my intention to transcribe this brief diary entirely (further-up I tried to do it integrally); but hinting here and there what he is writing as over his ca. five-and-a-half years in Germany he adopted a mixture between German words and his regular English writings.


KV 2/250-1, page 3R

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                    27th February            Sleeping badly   Joot (read foot)   ... März (March) ...Jrankly (Frankly) ...On the other hand, I wish I had time to describe my impressions of Berlin. I shall not forget them.  We are used to living in ruins. -  I remeber walking from Potzdammmer Platz to  Anhalter Baknhof (Bahnhof)   ... twilight (dusk; likely pointing at Dämmerung über ..)  .. 


KV 2/250-1, page 13R

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            ... S = Sammy (AOB: I would not wonder that Margaret William Joyce's wife had an 'affair' with Sammy)

            ...  Meckerers = complainers

            ... S = Sammy Dietze = Edward Roderick Dietze, a colleague of the D.E.S. (KV 2/430) / propaganda transmissions towards England

            ... Dietze rang to say that I that M (Margaret his wife) & J (=William Joyce) must set out for Apen.



"Apen" might van been selected strategically, as is lays remote from endangered centres and must in some way have constituted a centre of broadcasting cables (Trägerfrequenz / Carrier-Telephony; or was it a "Fernseh-Kabel or "video-cable") and "Verstärkerämter"; it is even likely that it possessed direct broadcast studio facilities, as well

AOB: Berlin was becoming too much a bombardment target and from about June 1944 onwards they prepared some facilities as to direct transmissions to: Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen ... Cologne (Köln) and maybe to Hilversum (NL)


KV 2/250-1, page 14R

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             ... 13th March Tuesday (1945)

            .... Horst rings up to say that Dietze insists on our going to Apen as anything may happen don't know what he expects to happen  ... I suppose he has his grounds. Sammy (maybe Margaret's lover?) very perturbed (worried) rings Kamm (?) But I don't think it will do much good. Margaret does not want to come - like me she values the club (Auslandpresseklub at the Leipziger Platz) cellars - but they wan't last long anyhow. ... I hate the idea of Apen (AOB: but after all he did like Apen and they escaped the Russiansbut there you are. .. I don't like to know D's (= Dietze's) motives.  .... Dismay accept the stiff, poor Margaret is crying she could not believe that it would ever come to this Poor darling has worse surprises in store for her.

KV 2/250-1, page 28R    The are already for some time in Apen, which after all felt much better than the first instant impression upon arrival.


                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

            24th March (Saturday)        Well the 23rd of March (23/24) did not prose to be devoid of significance.  To day is Germany's blackest days in the war. Great air activities all day. In the morning 9.30 - 10, erir? shack was raliled? and blasted by the battles, which we will see.  Many formations of fortresses (heavy types of US bomber-planes) over us.  Just before 10, see Schoberth (someone of the propaganda broadcast organisation: KV 2/430 - KV 2/431) -  ukos tells me that the Yankees have crossed the Rhine at Oppenheim.  2? the afternoon come the news of Wesel (just boarding North of the Rhine not too far from the German - Dutch borderPop goes the Weasel. We sha? be long now!   Apparently the crossing was a success and is being reinforced by paratroops and airborne units.   Churchill and Brooke at Montgomery's H.Q. well that  if they move is not stopped, the war soon will be.


KV 2/250-1, page 30L  We encounter Joyce dealing with the German "Führer-Prinzip"

                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

            warned the old man against most of his mistakes before he made them. But I have even not shaken hands with Goebbels. This anomaly is known as the "Führer - Prinzip" Go'd save the mark!  If we lose this war - the formula "Ja - mein Führer !!! is largely responsible. Talk to Jerry ? and predict that we shall order to proceed Mergentheim, then we are ant? off thus? we shall see.

- - -

Arranging to send Margaret to Berlin for a few days (AOB: to meet her lover?). I hope it is safe!!  I shall be worried. (AOB: remind the great danger of attacks upon trains and buildings!)

- - -

Short of ammunition

            25th March (Sunday)     Churchill crosses Rhine inspects Wesel. No good news.  Curious people that Schoberth stomed? go to Købuhan?. Why? Aim not being shorn Überspieliungs support?? to ?? Hero  America. Did not go dey?ging. I hate that way of spending ..  


KV 2/250-1, page 30R

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                a Sunday.  Today a Boy behind my fur (fŭr) belt, a pleasant refuge. Today I have sad and hauntry? memories. I need nothing in my political opinions, nor do I believe that I have acted wrongly!  That I hate the idea of dying as highland's enemy - or being disposed by  them?  amongst them? amongst them I was once regarded as an ardent patriot. A dammed nuisance.

                We can hear the noise of the battle now all day and all  neg?? growing gradually clearer.  Reported that  Allied paratroops have landed near Münster. We were wakened in night by soldiers identically singing in the moonlight. A silly C.O. (commanding officer)  ??? reporter gone.  Tack?? day the news is blacker. Well meet it ??? soon  be over now.  The west seems to be crumbling.  Arrange with Margaret to go to Berlin on Tuesday.  Schneider (Ton-Techniker RRG; Edwin Hermann Frederik Lynn KV 2/246-3 p 52a +) Horrified ? to discover ...  


KV 2/250-1, page 33L

                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

            to be cut off from Germany we shall be very close to the section, if we stay here.  Personally I think that D. (Dietze) is being misled by the O.K.W. pundits. They will never mislead me again. Schoberth told me last night that Hesse (Dr. Fritz; KV 2/915; Head of a section of the Propaganda broadcast organisation) well satisfied  with his work. So he should be - the bugger!

            How my mind and body burn J? Margaret when she is angry and not safe. 'l gueer? that sark? of love must be feel? pathological, especially al? that has happened between us. Ah! Well How glad I am - how I thank God.  That I clung to her ..  

KV 2/250-1, page 35

                                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

              survive to see their ?indication I still love England and hate to think that I am to be regarded as a traitor to her (England), which, in my opinion I am not.  I am deeply sorry for Germany; but I can see now the whole ghastly  ??otion? has come about.  Here amongst? the dead leaves with the geulle? spring leaves blowing as the sirn? fitfully struggles thought? the clouds it is very peaceful; but for how long? I should like to be in the Grunewald (AOB, a quite big Berlin wood; currently in August 2022, big fires caused also by once wartime ammunition) this morning  or better in Richwood Park or walking down Buckingham Palace Road ?? weel? Troja fruit.  Trojal fuimus?? I wish Margaret were with me. I have only the one great consolation that if she does?? return, I need not not live long.  But I think she will come.  Deep dorm, I am very hopeful - I do not know why. And I have no fear - only wonder, In any case, ..


KV 2/250-1, page 41L

                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

            Due to "catastrophe" issue of provisions collect money from Bank into Auswaertz? in? great differen?. The Apen Bank has only RM 4000 in all we are twice as rich as it. The situation here is grotesque.  Help Margaret to pack - once again - the indispensable ? minimum. We shall have to leave nearly everything here (with their landlady in Apen) a dammed nuisance. Anyhow we have some grub to ted?? us over we may been to go - not to Hamburg to S?under?? Bremen.  The immediate future is shrouded on suplory? The ultimate future - well have three guesses! Very lired? all day.  There seems to be much confusion as to our plans. I insist on a car at least from Oldenburg to Bremen.  Schoberth & Co. are leaving for Norddeich (here was situated the mainly merchant-navy W/T station "Norddeich Radio"; up to late 1990s) on Monday.  Much food being bought. Feel unwell.  Ache all over.  The weather is ludeous by damp. My memory is going ...


KV 2/250-1, page 42L       

Joyce's handwriting is becoming increasingly difficult to read, I have to apologise for this; but we have to live with it. Our, nowadays, life being much simpler than once was William Joyce's future.


                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright    

            relief that the climax is coming.  The people want peace, int they are not anti (German) Government so far as I can see. There are many twisters.  Some queer scenes in Apen. Jones called on me and is naturally very bitter, but he behaves with a great sporting spirit.  Schoberth is furious with D (= Dietze; KV 2/428) so is Bowes and everything else. The children have not even money Jones would our rooms.  Farewell to Twain? Kruse. We promise her (their Apen landlady) to come back. Pay her 100 Marks and leave most of our luggage. Eller?? slons?? over? car.   M (= Margaret his wife) most irrta?? undisciplined?? and forgetful. Really she has been going to pieces  Apen would often a scene? have done her good, but I fear that Hamburg will prove the last station (will not yet happen) drive with Schoberth, Heyde, Bauer 2 others.  Apparently Heyde to be dropped at Korden and left there. Just a display of bose? ingratitude. I  been rareg? imagined  intuit? less?? witnessed.

    Marvellous and very touchy s?r?d?  off at Apen (Railway) Station of wh?? I mean so append of aa special notice, uber? I get ??

    He everything became ??, and we? saw my Apermasch? or Zu Klurper??.


KV 2/250-1, page 57R

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              a good dinner. Excellent stake (he was pampered in the Hamburg's best  5* hotel: Vierjahreszeiten; by the way on his own account) we are enjoying all we can get now. The future does not look promising. We have several plans. But I doubt if any of them will work. however I am worried; if I cannot dodge (he temporarily did successfully) the but I must pay it.

29th April (Sunday)     my late long breakfast.  Cold, clammy, damps today. I cannot feel dry, 100 guest in hotel, mostly refugees (likely quite wealthy individuals)   ?? cigarettes from Grupe (= Intendant of the Sender Hamburg) veasen ?? in a boiled egg gurive?? good  slow.  The hours are drawing in. New? Bulett ?? have arisen in the Elbe near Senneburg??  The Volkssturm have orders not to fight, we can't be long now, want my cigarettes on Wednesday that as Ellerbrook?? has our passes, (Joyce's one the name of Wilhelm Hansenand Mrs. are still no Divisen.  5 clarp 2 nothing done. Gadow annorp? me very much.  Hit?? fould?? cissy - Stewart (Hillaw??. reads  great gus? to the story of Marvelouses? body bey spat upon in Mulan?? ??? ??? business.  Have? a eved??.   (horrible to deduce what he really wrote)

            April 30th. (the very day Hitler committed suicide in his Bunker in Berlin)    Went up to work.     Grupe (the Intendant of the RRG branch in Hamburg) wants to see us we go to a marvellous lunch with him and Schorping.  O nab?? Denker Mahlzeit.  (They enjoyed a late evening supper with Schneider in Hotel Vierjahreszeiten see:   (X-100)   (returnX-100).

KV 2/250-1, page 58L

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Ham & ?? meat.  Schoppen 2? wine and plenty cigarettes everything we dined (their last wealthy and copious meal) at the (Hotel) Vierjahreszeiten with Eddie (Schneider the broadcast recording technician) & driver (gast) car of e??  Paw ??????? no work in  R evening.  We goused?? with Grupe (the Hamburg RRG Intendant)  I was blind, by the way we knocked down ??? what a night - drunk - drunk. Drunk Grupe was juil? and so was scharping.  I shed tears as I left the Funkhaus (at Rothenbaumchaussee) ? jear I made a recording of an microphone speech.  But it was, I don't know. Well perhaps it was best to finish  thus?  Margaret went with the car to the hotel and hoped? back baggage.  All was ready and the driver waiting. Hirt with a gist I don't know.  Eddie Schneider came to the party to me a good boy.  I read my last (track?) maden? the influence. Dietze rang up aw Margaret said good-bye to him.  Is sure we shall meet again soon.  Grupe (the Intendant) gave us a bottle of Aquavit & 1 of wine.  Splendid. Leave Hamburg between 3 a 4 (a.m.) in the (early) morning.

 KV 2/250-1, page 58R

                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

            May 1st  (Tuesday)

                    On this tragic day. The death of Adolf Hitler was reported (Hitler committed suicide on the 30th April 1945)   

                    Admiral Dönitz takes over as his nominated successor.

                    Reach Hensburg alon 8.  Have to drink wine for breakfast as nothing else is available see dursen trouble? serious.

                    May 1 (Tuesday)  Here on the Danish border. ??? not to have a good Sturmführer fortunately?  ???   We pass the (Danish) border.  Reach Cetenrode?? about 3 (afternoon). Received by Sesular??? of Haensch no trains uhalerer!??? Eat at Deutsches Haus. Pleanty of food - Excellent but to little to drink. Put up at Thorwoed Pelessen's. ??? plain room, but beds are good. Tired out to bed at about 8.30 (p.m.)

                    We have no Lebensmittel Karten (Food ration cards) but don't really need them. Feel loney?? ??? Margaret is splendid. Think we shall been to go back. But reception in  ??? Danmark.



(2)  (11 August 2022)

KV 2/250-2, page 53        I prefer files/documents in their genuine language - instead of translations; as this quite often, is resulting in just missing an or the essence. The German language, maybe even more than the Anglo-Saxon's are used to, is an extremely complicated grammar - but therefore also very accurate!       In these particular contexts please use Google Translate as the text has been transcribed for your convenience already.


                                                                                                                Crown Copyright


            (Dr. Winkelnkemper)                                                                                                                                                        Berlin, 26.6.1942


                                William Joyce.


                                                Ich ernenne Sie hiermit mit Wirkung vom 1.7. d.J. zum Chefkommentator der Ländergruppe England.  Sie erhalten damit den Auftrag, die politischen Kommentare für unseren Nachrichtendienst in englischer Sprache nach den von höherer Stelle (think of Goebbels or the German Foreign Office (A.A.) gegebenen Weisungen und Anregungen seitens des Ländergruppenleiters zu gestalten.  Ich bitte Sie ferner um die sprachliche Sie ferner um die sprachliche Prüfung der Nachrichtendienst um die Einteilung der Sprecher im Einvernehmen mit dem diensthabenden Redaktionsleiter.

                                                Damit Sie für Ihre neuen erweiterten Aufgaben die notwendige Zeit gewinnen, werden Sie vom Sprechen der Nachrichten entbunden.

                                                In Anbetracht Ihrer erweiterten Verantwortung und Ihrer langjährigen Bewährung als Sprecher und Kommentator habe ich eine Neureglung Ihrer Bezüge in Aussicht genommen.  In dieser Angelegenheit erhalten Sie demnächst Bescheid.

 Sgd. (Dr. Winkelnkemper)


KV 2/250-2, page 55a

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Der Reichs-Rundfunk G.m.b.H., Berlin-Charlottenburg


Herrn William Joyce (Wilhelm Fröhlich), Berlin

                                wird nachstehender Vertrag abgeschlossen:

§ 1

                                Herr William Joyce wird als Hauptkommentator in der Englischen Redaktion der Deutschen Europasender (D.E.S.) angestellt.  Seine Tätigkeit bestimmt sich nach dem von der Auslandsdirektion aufgestellten Geschäftsverteilungsplan.

                                Im übrigen bestimmen sich die gegenseitige Rechte und Pflichten aus den folgenden Bestimmungen dieses Vertrages. Die Besoldungsordnung der Reichs-Rundfunk G.m.b.H. findet, soweit auf sie im folgenden nicht ausdrücklich Bezug genommen wird, keine Anwendung. (AOB: Wie schönes amtliches Deutsch!)

§ 2

                                Herr William Joyce erhält ein monatliches Bruttogehalt von

RM  1.200,oo.

(i.W.: Reichsmark Eintausendzweihundert)

                                zahlbar im voraus am 1. eines jeden Monats.  Durch das Gehalt sind sämtliche Ansprüche des Herrn William Joyce gegen die Reichs-Rundfunk G.m.b.H. aus seiner Tätigkeit für diese abgegolten, sei es, dass Schicht- oder Sonntagsdienst oder aus dienstlichen Gründen Mehrarbeit geleistet wird.

                                Neben dem Gehalt werden Kinderzuschläge in gleicher Höhe und unter gleichen Vorraussetzungen wie bei den übrigen festangestellten Gefolgschaftsmitgliedern der Reichs-Rundfunk G.m.b.H.


                                Die Reichs-Rundfunk G.m.b.H. gewährt während der Dauer des Vertragsverhältnisses einen Versorgungszuschlag in Höhe von 4½ % des monatlichen Bruttogehaltes einschliesslich der

KV 2/250-2, page 56b

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                                Kinderzuschläge gemäss Abschnitt I der beiliegenden Anlage zum Dienstvertrag.

                                Herr William Joyce erhält zu Weihnachten eine Sonderzulage gemäss § 10 der Besoldungsordnung der Reichs-Rundfunk G.m.b.H.

§ 3

                                Stirbt Herr William Joyce während der Dauer des Dienstverhältnisses, so steht den Angehörigen (Ehegatten oder Kindern, falls diese mit dem verstorbenen einen gemeinsamen Haushalt geführt haben)  das Gehalt bis zum Ablauf des auf den Sterbemonat folgenden Monats zu (über die Reihenfolge der Bezugsberechtigen s. Anlage zum Dienstvertrag).

§ 4

                                        Die in der beiliegenden Anlage zum Dienstvertrag vorgesehen Bestimmungen sind Bestandteile diese Vertrages (I. Bestimmungen über den Versorgungszuschlag;  II.  Bestimmungen über die Schweigepflicht;  II.  Vergütung an Gefolgschaftsmitglieder für urheberrechtliche Leistungen;  IV.  Vorschrift über die Anmeldung und Verwertung von Schutzrechten durch Gefolgschaftsmitglieder;  V. Dienstordnung). 

§ 5

                                Hat Herr Joyce im Auftrage seiner Dienststelle Dienstreisen auszuführen, so erhält er hierfür eine Reisekostenentschädigung nach Gruppe A der jeweils für die Reichs-Rundfunk G.m.b.H.  geltenden Reisekostenvorschrift.

§ 6

                                Herr William Joyce erhält Urlaub nach den jeweils für die Reichs-Rundfunk G.m.b.H. gelten Urlaubsbestimmungen und zwar der Urlaubsgruppe A.

§ 7

                                Herr William Joyce hat seine gesamt Arbeitskraft der Gesellschaft zur Verfügung zu stellen.


KV 2/250-2, page 59c

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§ 8

                                Die Ausübung einer Nebentätigkeit ist Herrn William Joyce nur mit ausdrücklicher Einwilligung der Direktion gestattet. Herr William Joyce ist nicht berechtigt, Ausschliesslichkeitsverpflichtungen gegenüber Schallplattenfirmen einzugehen.

§ 9

                                Ohne die ausdrückliche Zustimmung der Direktion der Reichs-Rundfunk G.m.b.H. bezw. der zuständigen Dienststelle darf Herr William Joyce zu  ausserdienstlichen Zwecken dienstliche Schriftstücke, Drucksachen, Zeichnungen oder andere bildliche Darstellungen weder im Original noch in Vervielfältigungen an sich bringen, verwenden oder Dritten zugänglich machen.  Der dienstliche verkehr mit der Reichskulturkammer bezw. den zuständigen Einzelkammern wird hierdurch nicht berührt.

§ 10

                                Der Vertrag tritt mit Wirkung vom 1. Juli 1942 in Kraft.  Die Kündigungsfrist beträgt drei Monate zu Ende eines Kalendervierteljahres.

                                Berlin-Charlottenburg, den 3. Juli 1942

                                Reichs-Rundfunk GMBH.

                                i.V. (Vertretung)

KV 2/250-2, page 60

                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

Flensburger Privatbank



                            gültig bis            }  1. August            gut für            } dKr  380


                                 zugunsten von    }  Herrn Wilhelm  Hansen

                                                          Inhaber des Reisepasses  nr. 281/44


This current document is quite in accordance with the William Joyce's last diary page when he speaks about being in Denmark.

But the next is also in accordance to what we know: that he made (unnecessary) contact with two British officers about 29th May 1945 just in the vicinity of the Danish border just north of Flensburg.


Underlining this we have to regard the next reference:

KV 2/250-2, page 61

                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

Zahlungen                    Paiments                    Payments

            Hansen drew from his account of 2/5 (May) 1945  Kr. 180

            and on 4th May another Kr. 180


We may draw the conclusion, that by then Joyce resided still in Denmark; we, however, now know that Hansen had been arrested north of Flensburg near the German-Danish border; thus inside German territory.

Further details are yet lacking.


How marvellous: William Joyce noticed in correspondence with his wife, when both were captivated in British controlled prisons: that he expected that his passport remained at the Volksgerichtshof, which was incorrect and should have been the less fearful Landesgericht.


KV 2/250-2, page 62


Die Geschäftsstelle des Landgerichts                                                                                                                    Berlin        den 5. Februar 1945


gegen                        Joyce


                                wegen     Wehrkraftzersetzung


                                der Ermittlungsrichter will sie als Beschuldigten vernehmen.  Sie werden daher ersucht

                                am   8. Februar 1945  10.30

                                vor dem Ermittlungsrichter des Volksgerichtshof in dem Dienstgebäude des Landgerichts im Berlin NW 40,

                                                                                                                                                                                        Turmstrasse 91

                                                                                                                                                                    Erdgeschoß - Zimmer Nr. 209

                                                                                                                                                                                zu erscheinen.

Im Falle Ihres Ausbleibens müßte Ihre Vorführung erfolgen.


Unknown is the outcome of this latter trial; but we may consider that the RRG his employer might have cleared up this case (circumstances).


KV 2/250-2, page 73

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Feb. 23th    My only aim this time, is, to show that William kept a diary already before the one I have transcribed from 28th February forgoing. But I do not intend to continue transcribing William Joyce's remaining diary pages.  By the way with Club he is pointing at the Auslandpresseklub situated at the Leipziger Platz, in Berlin.    N.B.B.S. = New British Broadcasting Station;  M = Margaret his wife


KV 2/250-2, page 93            K.v.K.

                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

Im Namen des Deutschen Volkes

verleihe ich

dem Hauptkommentator

William Joyce

in Berlin-Charlottenburg



1. Klasse

Führerhauptquartier, den 1. September 1944


by Adolf Hitler personally

far down signed by Meissner (Chef der Reichskanzlei)

 KV 2/250-3, page 4

                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright


zur Vorlage bei der

Kartenstelle (I suppose inside the RRG organisation)

                    (1) Berlin-Charlottenburg

                            Masurenallee  8 - 14


(AOB, strange, because they were, by then, already residing in Apen

                    Wir bescheinigen Frau Margaret and Herrn William Joyce, Mitarbeiter in der Englischen Redaktion der Deutschen Europasender, daß sie vorübergehend zur Sendestelle Apen abkommandiert wurden.

                    Da es aus dienstlichen Gründen erforderlich werden kann, daß Herr und Frau Joyce jederzeit nach Berlin zurückkehren müssen, bitten wir um Behändigen einer entsprechenden Reiseummeldung.


Reichs-Rundfunk G.m.b.H.

Die Deutschen Europasender

Sgd.  Hobb


KV 2/250-3, page 7    

                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

Wehrpass Berlin  X/06/129/47/1

Name des Paßinhabers

William Joÿče



des Arbeitsbuch

40/a 166 525/27i

            Berlin W 15 den

            Kurfürstendamm 33

            den 12.4.1941

der Wehrbezirkskommandeur


KV 2/250-3, page 11a + 12b                William Joyce falsified passport on the name of Wilhelm Hansen

                                                                                                                                         Crown Copyright

Deutsches Reich


Number 51844  P42


                                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

Begleitet von seiner Ehefrau


KV 2/250-3, page 13c

                                                                                                                                                         Crown Copyright

Geltungsbereich des Passes

Für In- und Ausland

Der Paß wird ungültig vom

-3. Nov. 1946

(AOB: could be relevant for after the war - as these passports kept their validity until its date of expiring)

Ausstellende Behörde

Hamburg, den -3. Nov. 1944

(AOB: William Joyce wasn't by then living in Hamburg, though in Berlin Charlottenburg)

The British archivists weren't operating accurately, as next reference appeared in a complete different file section, but definitely belong together 

KV 2/250-4, page 48d

                                                                                                                                                     Crown Copyright


                    Beruf:   Lehrer

                    Geburtsort Galway (Ireland)

                    Geburtstag 11 März 1906

                    Wohnort Hamburg

                    Gestallt Mittel

                    Gesicht  Oval

                    Farbe der Augen  Blaugrau

                    Farbe des Haares  d'blau

                    Besondere Kennzeichen  Kerbe rechte Wange


(AOB: ultimately, quite unexpectedly, we have reached the conclusion of the William Joyce dedicated file series.

I have neglected the nearly endless summations of all the recorded speeches and talks once made by British monitoring stations watching German broadcasts. As against British Services expectations, their efforts had null influence on William Joyce's verdict. Thus a huge endeavour entirely, in vain)



By Arthur O. Bauer
